A-Lin - A Sort Of Sorrow 有一種悲傷 Lyrics 歌詞 Alongside English Translation

A-Lin - A Sort Of Sorrow 有一種悲傷 Lyrics 歌詞 Alongside English Translation

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A-Lin - H5N1 Kind of Sorrow 有一種悲傷 (You Yi Zhong Bei Shang) Lyrics 歌詞 amongst English linguistic communication Translation together with Pinyin

 but thoughts of missing yous is dorsum facing yous A-Lin - H5N1 Kind of Sorrow 有一種悲傷 Lyrics 歌詞 amongst English linguistic communication Translation

Singer: A-Lin
Album:  A Kind of Sorrow 有一種悲傷
Title: 有一種悲傷 (You Yi Zhong Bei Shang)
English linguistic communication Title:  A Kind of Sorrow

我不羨慕 太陽
Wǒ bù xiànmù tàiyáng
I don't envy the sun
照不亮你 過往
zhào bù liàng nǐ guòwǎng
which can't lite upwards your past
有些黑暗 我們 都一樣
yǒuxiē hēi'àn wǒmen dōu yīyàng
there's simply about darkness, nosotros are all the same
我太嫉妒 時光
wǒ tài jídù shíguāng
I'm jealous of time
能離開的 大方
néng líkāi de dàfāng
that tin exit moments together with thus easily
不用開口 也就無需躲藏
bùyòng kāikǒu yě jiù wúxū duǒcáng
don't postulate to country together with don't postulate to hide
yǒu yīzhǒng bēishāng
there's a form of sadness
shì nǐ de míngzì tíngliú zài wǒ de guòwǎng
which is your elevate stuck inward my past
陪伴我呼吸 決定我微笑模樣
péibàn wǒ hūxī juédìng wǒ wéixiào múyàng
it accompanies my breath, together with it determines the agency I smile
wúfǎ yíwàng
unable to forget
yǒu yīzhǒng bēishāng
there's a form of sadness
是笑著與你分開 思念卻背對背張望
shì xiàozhe yǔ nǐ fēnkāi sīniàn què bèiduìbèi zhāngwàng
which is smiling acre leaving you, but thoughts of missing yous is dorsum facing you
剩下倔強 剩下合照一張
shèng xià juéjiàng shèng xià hézhào yī zhāng
what remains is a photograph together
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
成為彼此的路 多嚮往 怎會失去方向
chéngwéi bǐcǐ de lù duō xiàngwǎng zěn huì shīqù fāngxiàng
becoming each others path, but losing the direction
yǒu yīzhǒng bēishāng Oh
there's a form of sadness
留在我過往 無法遺忘Oh
liú zài wǒ guòwǎng wúfǎ yíwàng Oh
that stays amongst my past, unable to forget

yǒu yīzhǒng bēishāng
there's a form of sadness
是你義無反顧 讓愛成為 我身上的光
shì nǐ yìwúfǎngù ràng ài chéngwéi wǒ shēnshang de guāng
which is yous unconditionally allow dear drib dead the lite inward me
給我溫暖 卻不准我遺忘
gěi wǒ wēnnuǎn què bù zhǔn wǒ yíwàng
giving me warmth but non letting me forget
yǒu yīzhǒng bēishāng
there's a form of sadness
不想要與你分開 思念才背對背張望
bùxiǎng yào yǔ nǐ fēnkāi sīniàn cái bèiduìbèi zhāngwàng
not wanting to live on apart from you, but but the memories drib dead along to linger
你是所有 你是合照一張
nǐ shì suǒyǒu nǐ shì hézhào yī zhāng
you are simply a photograph of us together

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