Serena Ryder - Together We Are One (Lyrics)

Serena Ryder - Together We Are One (Lyrics)

Serena Ryder - Together We Are One (Lyrics) - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Serena Ryder - Together We Are One (Lyrics), This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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We are one
We are beautiful
It's undeniable
We are all the same
Who's to say
What is right or wrong
Cause we all belong
United we stand

We're strong when we walk together
Together we can sing much louder
Louder than any voice alone
With the strength of a thousand soldiers
We can climb any mountain higher
Higher, higher, higher

Stand up
Together put your hands up
You're not alone
Together we are one
Sing with me
To the rhythm of your heart beat
You're not alone
Together we are one
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Together we are one
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Together we are one

It's true
There is no obstacle
We are unstoppable
No power can divide
One foot in front of the other
One hand in another
The miracle of one

We're strong when we walk together
Together we can sing much louder
Louder than any voice alone
With the strength of a thousand soldiers
We can climb any mountain higher
Higher, higher, higher

Stand up
Together put your hands up
You're not alone
Together we are one
Sing with me
To the rhythm of your heart beat
You're not alone
Together we are one
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Together we are one
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Together we are one

We are one
We are beautiful
We are strong
We are one
We are one
We are beautiful
We are strong
We are one

Stand up
Together put your hands up
You're not alone
Together we are one
Sing with me
To the rhythm of your heart beat
You're not alone
Together we are one
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Together we are one
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Together we are one

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