Meghan Trainor - Credit (Lyrics)

Meghan Trainor - Credit (Lyrics)

Meghan Trainor - Credit (Lyrics) - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Meghan Trainor - Credit (Lyrics), This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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[Verse 1]
Lately I'm feeling stupid and crazy
Cause I saw him with his new baby
And he treats her like she's the one
It's not that I want him back, ain't trying to be mean
But I bought new clothes and burnt skinny jeans
But she'll never know that I've made him better for her

So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
I gave him swagger, made him cool
He used to be a fool
So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
You know who, you know who
Give credit where it's due

[Verse 2]
He holds her hand at the movies
Never stares at the boobies
I bet she thinks he's the one
She should be thanking me and sending me some flowers
I thought him everything, now he can last for hours
But she'll never know that I've made him better for her

So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
I gave him swagger, made him cool
He used to be a fool
So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
You know who, you know who
Give credit where it's due

[Verse 3]
Yo, he used to be whack, but I made him all dapper
Shit if you you think of my last name
I guess my Trainings where is at
I had him brushed his teeth, even flossing
Got him looking like Ryan Gosling
I guess that makes me pretty awesome
But I wasn't in love so I tossed him

So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
I gave him swagger, made him cool
He used to be a fool
So give some credit where it's due
Give props to you know who
You know who, you know who
Give credit where it's due

Give me that credit, baby, baby
Give me that credit, baby, baby
Give me that credit, baby, baby
Cause you know who
Credit where it's due

You'll never know, you'll never know
He wasn't like this before
You'll never know, you'll never know
Unless you're hearing this song

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