Cheryl - Stars (Lyrics)

Cheryl - Stars (Lyrics)

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Cheryl - Stars (Lyrics)

We can all be stars...

Open your eyes, set your mind safe flight
See your dreams come to life
Open your mind, let your heart ignite
And believe it's your time
See your light through the dawn
Picture you like a work of art
If you dare take a fall
We define who we really are

I bet we can rock, the night
Like we fu*king know it
Come up, go hard
Everybody knows it
Just time your lay
Baby just forget who you are
We can all be stars
We can all be stars
We can all be stars
Just forget who you are
We can all be stars

Open your eyes to the fire inside
Let your world come alive
Look to the sky get your hands up high
And take hold of your night
See a light through the dawn
Picture you like a work of art
If you dare take a fall
We define who we really are

I bet we can rock, the night
Like we fu*king know it
Come up, go hard
Everybody knows it
Just time your lay
Baby just forget who you are
We can all be stars
We can all be stars
We can all be stars
Just forget who you are
We can all be stars

The spirit that's inside of you
Gets you up and pulls you through
Tell me you believe that we can all go far
The spirit that's inside of you
Gets you up and pulls you through
Tell me you believe that we can all be (x4) stars

I bet we can rock, the night
Like we f**king know it
Come up, go hard
Everybody knows it
Just time your lay
Baby just forget who you are
We can all be stars
We can all be stars
We can all be stars
Just forget who you are
We can all be stars

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