Caught A Ghost-Sleeping At Night

Caught A Ghost-Sleeping At Night

Caught A Ghost-Sleeping At Night - Hallo friend Song Lyrics, You are on the right page if you are looking for song lyrics with the title Caught A Ghost-Sleeping At Night, This blog only contains song lyrics that aim to help you memorize your favorite songs, enjoy your songs and don't forget to subscribe to get updates on the latest song lyrics. If you feel the posts on this blog are useful, please share with your friends or family.

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Jesse Nolan and Tessa Thompson are the "Caught A Ghost". Nolan, who is an extremely good producer has a unique way to jumb from genre to genre and Thompson is that hidden goddess you find in a great mystical song. Together they work miracles. One of the latest is the remix of "Sleeping At Night" the official soundtrack of "Dear White People". "The Sleeping At Night video follows two characters who travel through the looking glass, traveling from the ennui of their physical world to a colorful dreamscape, meeting on the other side." Nolan, says! You can check it out here on Lyrics On My Wall.

Caught A Ghost-Sleeping At Night

When you smile it's like you're waiting for something
To spring from the back of your mind,
When you speak it's like you're searching for nothing
Nothing comes quicker than nothing you'll find

You're the kind of motionless creature,
Bites at the heels of the needless seekers
Mouth moves along with the meaningless speaker,
Swinging your fists, getting weaker and weaker.

I hope you make it alright,
I hope you make it alright,
Make your mind up, you get right up
And march to the mouth of the meaningless line up.
I hope we make it alright,
I hope we make it alright,
You can sell dust and steal in the daylight,
For all that I care just as long as you're sleeping at night.

Kindly tell me what you'd like me to say,
I will say it for you and get out of your way.
Settle down 'cause you're starting to scare us
Looks like you're carelessly wasting away.

Cashing in on what you're believing,
Trying to get up on the moveable feasting,
Mirrors in the morning you're becoming a beast
Making those ends keeps you moving at least.

I hope you make it alright,
I hope you make it alright,
Make your mind up, you get right up
And march to the mouth of a meaningless line up.
I hope you make it alright,
I hope you make it alright,
You can sell dust and steal in the day light,
For all that I care just as long as you're sleeping at night.

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