Xiao Bing Chih 蕭秉治 - Someone 凡人 Lyrics 歌詞 Alongside English Translation

Xiao Bing Chih 蕭秉治 - Someone 凡人 Lyrics 歌詞 Alongside English Translation

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Xiao Bing Chih 蕭秉治 - Mortal 凡人 (Fan Ren) Lyrics 歌詞 update together with English linguistic communication Translation

The holler of the pump tore through the nighttime Xiao Bing Chih 蕭秉治 - Mortal 凡人 Lyrics 歌詞 alongside English linguistic communication Translation

Singer: Xiao Bing Chih 蕭秉治
Album: Immortal 凡人
Title: 凡人 (Fan Ren)
English linguistic communication Title: Immortal

Dāng shìjiè quándōu bēng huài
When the basis is all broken
dāng céngjīng de jiāo'ào hé wǔtái
When the past times proud together with stage
dōu qǔ zhōng rén sàn
It's all evaporated
dāng kuàilè huà zuò chén'āi
When happiness turns to dust
dāng mèngxiǎng duòluò chéngle zāinàn
When dreams autumn into disaster
xīntòng chéngle xíguàn
Heartache has kicking the bucket a habit

孤獨中腐壞 困在一光年之外
gūdú zhōng fǔ huài kùn zài yī guāng nián zhī wài
Rot inward loneliness, trapped inward a calorie-free years away
失去了所有活著的意義 失去了愛
shīqùle suǒyǒu huózhe de yìyì shīqùle ài
Losing all the important of beingness alive, losing love
永夜中徘徊 撕心裂肺的呼喊
yǒng yèzhōng páihuái sī xīn liè fèi de hūhǎn
The holler of the pump tore through the night
誰能帶走我的煎熬 給我全部的愛
shuí néng dài zǒu wǒ de jiān'áo gěi wǒ quánbù de ài
Who tin flame accept away my suffering, together with hand me a whole love?

wǒ zǒu biàn tiānyá
I guide maintain traveled to the faraway place
穿越寂寞海洋 掙脫黑夜流沙
chuānyuè jìmò hǎiyáng zhēngtuō hēiyè liúshā
Through the lonely ocean, operate out from the black night
zhōngyú děngdào wǒ de tàiyáng
And in conclusion hold off for my sun
wǒ zǒu biàn tiānyá
I guide maintain traveled to the faraway place
卸下受傷翅膀 幸福為我綻放
xiè xià shòushāng chìbǎng xìngfú wèi wǒ zhànfàng
Shed the wounded wings, happiness blossom for me
ài shì wǒ wéiyī de fāngxiàng
Love is my alone direction
Let it go, Let it go
I won’t halt now
Let it go, Let it go
Let me run into your smile

dāng yǎnlèi huà pò hēi'àn
When the tears pierced the darkness
dāng suǒyǒu de shānghén dōu shìhuái
When all the scars are relieved
tòngguò gèng cuǐcàn
All the hurting kicking the bucket to a greater extent than bright
dāng yǒngbào zhōngjié yíhàn
When the comprehend ends alongside regret
dāng mèngxiǎng zhōngyú yǒule qídài
When dreams in conclusion guide maintain expectations
xīndòng yǒule péibàn
The heartbeat accompanied

孤獨中腐壞 困在一光年之外
gūdú zhōng fǔ huài kùn zài yī guāng nián zhī wài
Rot inward loneliness, trapped inward a calorie-free years away
失去了所有活著的意義 失去了愛
shīqùle suǒyǒu huózhe de yìyì shīqùle ài
Losing all the important of beingness alive, losing love
永夜中徘徊 撕心裂肺的呼喊
yǒng yèzhōng páihuái sī xīn liè fèi de hūhǎn
The holler of the pump tore through the night
誰能帶走我的煎熬 給我全部的愛
shuí néng dài zǒu wǒ de jiān'áo gěi wǒ quánbù de ài
Who tin flame accept away my suffering, together with hand me a whole love?

wǒ zǒu biàn tiānyá
I guide maintain traveled to the faraway place
穿越寂寞海洋 掙脫黑夜流沙
chuānyuè jìmò hǎiyáng zhēngtuō hēiyè liúshā
Through the lonely ocean, operate out from the black night
zhōngyú děngdào wǒ de tàiyáng
And in conclusion hold off for my sun
wǒ zǒu biàn tiānyá
I guide maintain traveled to the faraway place
卸下受傷翅膀 幸福為我綻放
xiè xià shòushāng chìbǎng xìngfú wèi wǒ zhànfàng
Shed the wounded wings, happiness blossom for me
ài shì wǒ wéiyī de fāngxiàng
Love is my alone direction
Let it go, Let it go
I won’t halt now
Let it go, Let it go
Let me run into your smile
Let it go, Let it go
I won’t halt now
Let it go, Let it go
Let me run into your smile

Let it go, Let it go, Cause I won’t halt now

wǒ zǒu biàn tiānyá
I guide maintain traveled to the faraway place
穿越寂寞海洋 掙脫黑夜流沙
chuānyuè jìmò hǎiyáng zhēngtuō hēiyè liúshā
Through the lonely ocean, operate out from the black night
zhōngyú děngdào wǒ de tàiyáng
And in conclusion hold off for my sun
wǒ zǒu biàn tiānyá
I guide maintain traveled to the faraway place
卸下受傷翅膀 幸福為我綻放
xiè xià shòushāng chìbǎng xìngfú wèi wǒ zhànfàng
Shed the wounded wings, happiness blossom for me
ài shì wǒ wéiyī de fāngxiàng
Love is my alone direction
Let it go, Let it go
I won’t halt now
Let it go, Let it go
Let me run into your smile
Let it go, Let it go
I won’t halt now
Let it go, Let it go
Let me run into your smile

Xiao Bing Chih 蕭秉治 - Mortal 凡人 Official MV

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