Eric 周興哲 - Without Her Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Eric 周興哲 - Without Her Lyrics 歌詞 Update

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Eric 周興哲 - Without Her Lyrics 歌詞 update

 I volition experience sense experience this means I volition experience sense experience this means Eric 周興哲 - Without Her Lyrics 歌詞 Update

Singer : Eric 周興哲
Album : The Chaos After You
Title : Without Her
English linguistic communication Title : Without Her

What tin I create without her
Where tin I become without her
What create I know without her
I should convey been told without her
I volition experience this way
I volition experience sense experience this means I volition experience sense experience this way
I volition experience sense experience this means I volition experience sense experience this way
I volition experience sense experience this way

Oh I Never Mind 刪除情感 單身無害
Oh I Never Mind shānchú qínggǎn dānshēn wúhài
Don`t Mind I Never Mind 時間的海 重新再來
Don`t Mind I Never Mind shíjiān dì hǎi chóngxīn zài lái
探究萬物愛的源起 兩個黑洞互相吸引
tànjiù wànwù ài de yuán qǐ liǎng gè hēidòng hùxiāng xīyǐn

你看日蝕了 難得一見的絕色
nǐ kàn rìshíle nándé yījiàn de juésè
你看日蝕了 你會不會捨不得
nǐ kàn rìshíle nǐ huì bù huì shěbudé
I intend I deserve it

What tin I create without her
Where tin I become without her
What create I know without her
I should convey been told without her
I volition experience this means experience sense experience this way
I volition experience this means experience sense experience this way
I volition experience this way

Oh I Never Mind 這一個人 與我無關
Oh I Never Mind zhè yīgèrén yǔ wǒ wúguān
Don`t Mind I Never Mind 最深的愛 也最傷害
Don`t Mind I Never Mind zuìshēn de ài yě zuì shānghài
探究萬物愛的消弭 想見不能見是酷刑
tànjiù wànwù ài de xiāomǐ xiǎng jiàn bùnéng jiàn shì kùxíng

你看日蝕了 難得一見的絕色
nǐ kàn rìshíle nándé yījiàn de juésè
你看日蝕了 黑洞全境擴散著
nǐ kàn rìshíle hēidòng quán jìng kuòsànzhe
你看日蝕了 你會不會捨不得
nǐ kàn rìshíle nǐ huì bù huì shěbudé
I intend I deserve it

What tin I create without her
Where tin I become without her
What tin I create without her
Where tin I become without her
What create I know without her
I should convey been told without her
I volition experience this means experience sense experience this way
I volition experience this means experience sense experience this way
I volition experience this means experience sense experience this way
I volition experience sense experience this means I volition experience this way

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